Bands: Blood Legion. 3 comments

Posted at 11:10 AM in

When I first listened to the three track demo, I was blown away and said to myself, I must update my blog, right fucking now. Blood Legion was formed in 2008, released a five track demo and went hiatus due to jobs and other commitment constrains. Now, they are back and kicked things off with an awesome demo. To my little ears, the band plays thrashing death metal and the influences of thrash and death metal were ever so evident in their simple but mighty chunk of riffs. Not that it is original in anyway, but I liked the band anyway. The three track demo was raw and solid but what filled me with the most joy was with the bass being so high in the mix, it gave me this nice groove section topping the pretty simple but highly infectious deathly riffs through out their songs. I recommend this band.

Listen or download their songs for free, visit the band and tell them your thoughts.

Blood Legion | Facebook
Blood Legion | RevernNation
