Rants - Introduction to the Malaysian Extreme: no comments

Posted at 3:40 PM in

Welcome to the Bullet Belt. This blog is still under massive reconstruction, but let me tell you a bit about what is The Bullet Belt going to be like. This blog will focus on Malaysian Metal bands that I personally like. I will write my personal views about them and their music as a personal contribution and a symbol of dedication and personal support towards the local (Malaysia) Metal Scene.

Besides writing about bands, I will also share my personal views on a lot of things and I hope The Bullet Belt will become not only as an additional source, the substantiated gateway among the many gateways glorifying the Malaysian Metal Scene already in existence, but also a platform for me, as young Malaysian Metal head, to vomit my personal views and opinions on everything I see and deem fit for The Bullet Belt.

Until then, have a nice day.
